The name registry is essential in allowing protected public access to unforgeable names. For testnet, we are planning on supporting UUID registration and pubkey registration.

Registration examples

For UUID registration, an example registration might look like the following:

new timesTwo, r(`rho:registry`), print in {
	contract timesTwo(@x, ret) = {
		ret!(x * 2)
	} |
	[r, "register"]("uuid", bundle+{*timesTwo}, print)

A user would be able to predict the contents of the print name, and would therefore know what UUID was registered by monitoring that name for events. It will be sent a uri that looks like `rho:uuid:<uuid-hex>`

To use pubkey based registration, the code would look like the following:

new timesThree, r(`rho:registry`), print in {
	contract timesThree(@x, ret) = {
		ret!(x * 3)
	} |
	[r, "register"]("pubkey:ed25519", "<pubkey-hex-bytes>".hexToBytes(), bundle+{timesThree}, "<signature-of-timesThree-hex-bytes>".hexToBytes(), *print)

Here the user can predict the uri that will be returned: `rho:pubkey:ed25519:<blake2b256hash of pubKey>`, However, we still return it for 2 reasons: 1. The user might want to rely on it being registered. 2. For api consistency.

Lookup examples

UUID based lookup example

new r(`rho:registry`), twoXret, print in {
	[r, "lookup"](`rho:uuid:<uuid given by registering timesTwo>`, twoXret) |
	for (twoX <- twoXret) {
		twoX!(7, print)

Pubkey based lookup example

new r(`rho:registry`), threeXret, print in {
	[r, "lookup"](`rho:pubkey:ed25519:<pubkey hash computed above>`, threeXret) |
	for (threeX <- threeXret) {
		threeX!(7, print)