Open Questions:

Manual versus Automatic Finality

 - the method for enforcing automatic finality is less forgiving.  

Cost Open questions

Quiescence - The state is a Rholang term that has no further reductions.  That is quiescence - (Eager reduction)

Discussed the possibliity of refilling on Gas - concurrency concerns & inconsistency.

Example: transfer a balance, fail to decrement the sending account, then request a phlo refill - which you never execute.

We want to say that certain things do happen or don't happen.

Regions setting their own cost model

Cost of running 

If there are namespaces / regions where there are a few validators, a person can opt to write their contract and deploy it into a region where these regions are joined.  Then you can compare the answer you get back on the join, versus the answer we get back in  each of the regions.  If the answer doesn't match, you slash.