Probably anyone who is involved in the "core" project will have to study Ethereum implementations. While the Ethereum Yellow Paper ( is probably the first source you want to look at, it doesn't cover specific implementation details such as how block reorganizations are handled. Unless you are already an expert in Rust or Go, Pyethereum is probably the easiest Ethereum codebase to study. Unfortunately it seems like Pyethapp isn't the most up to date implementation and for whatever reasons I wasn't able to immediately peer with other nodes.

Workaround to import blocks to study

The following is a workaround to import blocks from parity to get around peering issues.

  1. Install and run parity to sync up the needed number of blocks
  2. Export blocks from parity with $ ./target/release/parity export blocks ~/path/to/directory/chain.rlp
  3. Import blocks into pyethapp with $ pyethapp import ~/path/to/directory/chain.rlp

Looking into chain data from the command line

After executing

pyethapp run

you can hit CTRL-C to enter console mode.

Looking up the details of a transaction

Let us examine the following transaction through pyethapp.

  1. Fetch the relevant block with block = eth.chain.get_block_by_number(53989)
  2. Grab the relevant transaction with transaction = block.transactions[1]
    1. You can double check you got the right transaction by comparing the txhash

      In: transaction.hash.hex()

      Out: '423a89ae3fa471502c03e1d79e5fad8fa3637aea0e9687396315fe1a60687143'

  3. You can look at the pyethapp README to see a list of attributes you can fetch from the transaction. I personally just type transaction. and hit the TAB key to see the list of possible options.
    1. For example gas price can be queried as follows

      In [54]: transaction.gasprice

      Out[54]: 57036234360

    2. Or you can just see all the attributes with .to_dict()

      In [58]: transaction.to_dict()


      {'data': '0x',

      'gasprice': 57036234360,

      'hash': '0x423a89ae3fa471502c03e1d79e5fad8fa3637aea0e9687396315fe1a60687143',

      'nonce': 0,

      'r': 100109914899522740072820940032964549000152372784597782163962964272918287896235,

      's': 34504076207637428225392040647648060942376898176377071704915726387968418661732,

      'sender': '0x4f68024b7ceb5ca92e7308bd08e523c632c0c739',

      'startgas': 90000,

      'to': '0x',

      'v': 28,

      'value': 50000000000000000}

  4. Note the '0x' means that this transaction creates a contract at address

    In [61]: transaction.creates.hex()

    Out[61]: '9b4364943c18c594d11e7a4484c40f41fce7c9be'

    with contract code '0x'. Basically someone created a useless contract?