They want us to implement a small api. Get transaction, captured in the doc that Greg sent.
it's a JSON ish thing.
Lykka's document seems not very 'professional' - they may have a higher tolerance for dealing with the churn in JSON. Low expectations of quality.
Meta mask requirements
The MetaMask guys are wanting a specific API - Chris is feeling that the JSON RPC API is the most standard one out there.
What ETH made difficult, getting the true state of the chain without running a node. They had to pull in all the headers and the chain outline. No light client. Wound up querying their own servers to obtain the state.
Any complaints with versioning issues? Not according to Chris.
How we get to a Protobuf implementation of the API
Write a nice protobuf API that everyone can use.
Will have to have the largest surface area. Every bit of data you need has to be exposed.
For each Key implementation, write a REST API in Python (no type safety possible - and it's fast).
little HTTP servers that take the Protocol buffer output and pass it to a REST API.
Concerns around level of effort - JSON is fast and easy.
Or should we use Thrift? Nash is not opposed to this.