Versions Compared


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./bin/rnode deploy --phlo-limit 50000 50000000 --phlo-price 1 forward_055f847902317e85c81d7dc96e8e7fb9109f8da53ceda2c3aaa7dc76b4624a0a.rho


./bin/rnode deploy --phlo-limit 50000 50000000 --phlo-price 1 bond_055f847902317e85c81d7dc96e8e7fb9109f8da53ceda2c3aaa7dc76b4624a0a.rho


// Just use any contract - I just chose tut-hello.rho
./bin/rnode deploy --phlo-limit 50000 50000000 --phlo-price 1 ~/Documents/rchain/rholang/examples/tut-hello.rho

./bin/rnode propose

Hopefully we see a success here or at least some kind of failure like the below (in which case this feature still has some bugs)

java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: Incorrect number of results from query of current bonds: 0
at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:219)
at coop.rchain.casper.util.rholang.RuntimeManager.unsafeComputeBonds(RuntimeManager.scala:93)
at coop.rchain.casper.util.rholang.RuntimeManager.$anonfun$computeBonds$1(RuntimeManager.scala:77)
at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:209)