Use Cases
- storing blocks (put)
- retrieving blocks (get)
- lookup of blocks (lookup). seems to be same as 2.
- view the whole db asMap
Design Considerations
System Interface
Hardware Interface
The LMDB instance needs to be able to read and write to a file.
Software Interface
Code Block | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
trait BlockStore[F[_]] { def put(blockHash: BlockHash, blockMessage: BlockMessage): F[Unit] def get(blockHash: BlockHash): F[Option[BlockMessage]] def put(f: => (BlockHash, BlockMessage)): F[Unit] def asMap(): F[Map[BlockHash, BlockMessage]] } |
And instance:
Code Block | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
class InMemBlockStore[F[_], E] private ()(implicit
monadF: Monad[F],
refF: Ref[F, Map[BlockHash, BlockMessage]],
metricsF: Metrics[F])
extends BlockStore[F] {
def get(blockHash: BlockHash): F[Option[BlockMessage]] =
for {
_ <- metricsF.incrementCounter("block-store-get")
state <- refF.get
} yield state.get(blockHash)
@deprecated(message = "to be removed when casper code no longer needs the whole DB in memmory",
since = "0.5")
def asMap(): F[Map[BlockHash, BlockMessage]] =
for {
_ <- metricsF.incrementCounter("block-store-as-map")
state <- refF.get
} yield state
def put(f: => (BlockHash, BlockMessage)): F[Unit] =
for {
_ <- metricsF.incrementCounter("block-store-put")
_ <- refF.update { state =>
val (hash, message) = f
state.updated(hash, message)
} yield ()
} |
Usage example:
Code Block | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
BlockStore[F].put { awaitingJustificationToChild -= block.blockHash _blockDag.update(bd => { val hash = block.blockHash val newChildMap = parents(block).foldLeft(bd.childMap) { case (acc, p) => val currChildren = acc.getOrElse(p, HashSet.empty[BlockHash]) acc.updated(p, currChildren + hash) } val newSeqNum = bd.currentSeqNum.updated(block.sender, block.seqNum) bd.copy( childMap = newChildMap, currentSeqNum = newSeqNum ) }) (block.blockHash, block) } |
User Interface
None. We are backend developers. We hail the matrix, and the matrix speaks to us.
Communications Interface
System Overview
Provide a description of the software system, including its functionality and matters relating to the overall system and design. Feel free to split this up into subsections, or use data flow diagrams or process flow diagrams.
Assumptions and Dependencies
Architectural Strategies
Describe any design decisions and/or strategies that affect the overall organization of the system and its higher-level structures. These strategies should provide insight into the key abstractions and mechanisms used in the system architecture. Describe the reasoning employed for each decision and/or strategy (possibly referring to previously stated design goals and principles) and how any design goals or priorities were balanced or traded-off. Such decisions might concern (but are not limited to) things like the following:
- Use of a particular type of product (programming language, database, library, etc. ...)
- Reuse of existing software components to implement various parts/features of the system
- Future plans for extending or enhancing the software
- User interface paradigms (or system input and output models)
- Hardware and/or software interface paradigms
- Error detection and recovery
- Memory management policies
- External databases and/or data storage management and persistence
- Distributed data or control over a network
- Generalized approaches to control
- Concurrency and synchronization
- Communication mechanisms
- Management of other resources