Each week we invite community members to help test RNode.
- When - Tuesdays at 14:00 UTC
- Where - This meeting takes place online using Zoom
- Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/134156866
- Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,134156866# or +16699006833,,134156866# - Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 134 156 866
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/rDfBtpt
- Additional communications are posted in #node-testing on the RChaing Discord.
What you can expect this week
We have a fix to address the issues experienced last week. We will use this time to test the fix to demonstrate nodes connecting to both bootstrap as well as to other nodes on the network.
Ability to build and run RNode using one of the following:
- .deb
- .rpm
- .tar.gz
These packages will be available in the #node-testing channel in the RChain Discord.
*Note - We do not yet have a Docker image that supports the fix. We may by the start of the session, however at this time (18 June 19:00 UTC) we do not.
If if you are a Mac user, you will need the following:
- libsodium
- Using Homebrew
- Install brew https://brew.sh/
Install Libsodium using brew
Code Block brew install libsodium
- Using MacPorts
- Install MacPorts http://www.macports.org/
Install Libsodium using MacPorts
Code Block port install libsodium
- Using Homebrew
- Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE), version 8
- Pawel Szulc
- Jeremy Busk
- Joshy Orndorff (deb)
- Glen Braun (deb)
- Dror (Docker)
- Ian Bloom (deb)
- Roland Kofler (deb)
- Jake Gillberg (deb)
- Nuno Lopes (Docker)
- Lee Carter (Docker)
- Chibuike David Asamonye (Docker)
- Medha Parlikar
- Stoica Daniel (deb)
RNode version
RNode v0.4.1 + fix on Pawel's branch
This version not added yet to RChain/RChain repo
Deb and .tgz -
Code Block |
docker pull rchain/rnode:test |
- Recap of last week's test and work since then to resolve issues
- Support for testers building RNode from binaries and Docker
Deb users
To determine correct version
Code Block |
rnode --help
—no-upnp |
Action items
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
Connect to bootstrap node
Code Block |
rnode -b rnode://98b78571b929158b568764e87227c074a1b9db49@ |
Check IP address at http://checkip.amazonaws.com
Docker users
To run RNode
User needs to manually add IP address
Code Block |
docker run -v ~/tempvar:/var/lib/rnode -it --name rnode0 --network rchainnet -p 30304 rchain/rnode:test --host --no-upnp -b rnode://98b78571b929158b568764e87227c074a1b9db49@ |
- Deb users - need to update permissions to access /var/lib/rnode
Code Block |
sudo -u rnode
sudo chown username: /var/lib/rnode
sudo chmod u+w /var/lib/rnode |
- Router is not properly configured...
- Configuration to learn IP address and manually update using --host
- You can manually open port on a router
- RNode guessed Jake's IP address incorrectly
- Exposing your node to the network behind a router or VPN allows you to see nodes, but not send message across the network (RNode v0.5)
- Joshy and Jake were trying to send deploys and did not receive confirmation of send/receive
Action items
- Glen did not get Libsodium installed with deb. Had to manually install. Glen to follow up with Pawel.
- --diagnostics destroys terminal, best to run in a separate window. Bug captured in CORE-666.
- Update documentation to support users. Work captured in Sprint 11.
- Today's testers, if you need configuration support, please contact Pawel (pawel@pyrofex.net) to work through configuration issues.
- Follow up on idea to have repo set up for binaries that works like docker hub. Work captured in CORE-692
This fix version of RNode does support network connection to bootstrap and connection to other peers on the network. Most participants were able to connect and see 10+ peers. Participants that were not successful experienced either issues building and running RNode, or configuration issues related to opening a port behind a router or VPN.