08:00:54 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/680394887/20190307+RNode+community+testing 08:04:43 From Mao 毛毛 : what's the bootstrap node 08:04:53 From Mao 毛毛 : I want to connect my node to the network 08:05:39 From Mao 毛毛 : I promoted this zoom in the chinese community. 08:05:51 From Mao 毛毛 : now 19 ppls :-) 08:05:56 From nutzipper : thanks Mao 08:07:24 From Tomáš : Block #14 0035771fa6... 08:12:03 From Tomáš : rnode://f4f20286feebc89d36d11b9e6ad726b6dd3d1490@ 08:12:12 From Tomáš : Bootstrap address is above ^ 08:14:06 From Tomislav Grospić : I got this error: 15:12:28.069 [tl-dispatcher-server-44] ERROR c.r.shared.UncaughtExceptionLogger$ - Uncaught Exception : Atomic move is not supported: /tmp/rchain-block-dag-file-storage-latest-messages-1635432418393736025-crc -> /var/lib/rnode/dagstorage/latestMessagesCrcPath: Invalid cross-device link coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$ExceptionWrapper: Atomic move is not supported: /tmp/rchain-block-dag-file-storage-latest-messages-1635432418393736025-crc -> /var/lib/rnode/dagstorage/latestMessagesCrcPath: Invalid cross-device link at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$$anon$1.raise(errors.scala:49) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$$anon$1.raise(errors.scala:44) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.package$.$anonfun$handleIo$1(package.scala:19) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.package$.$anonfun$handleIoF$1(package.scala:30) at cats.effect.Sync$EitherTSync.$anonfun$suspend$1(Sync.scala:145) at monix.eval.internal.TaskRunLoop$.startFull(TaskRunLoop.scala:98) at monix.eval.Task 08:14:30 From Mao 毛毛 : aha...my node connected 08:14:55 From Tomislav Grospić : 15:12:22.845 [main] INFO coop.rchain.node.Main$ - RChain Node 0.8.4.gitfd518a08 (fd518a08bccee9fb27c644b3c0007116b86bc933) 08:15:11 From Will Qiu : I have an error 08:15:19 From Mao 毛毛 : >I have an error 08:15:23 From Mao 毛毛 : I don't have 08:15:31 From Will Qiu : 23:14:30.788 [tl-dispatcher-server-53] ERROR c.r.shared.UncaughtExceptionLogger$ - Uncaught Exception : null coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$ExceptionWrapper: null at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$$anon$1.raise(errors.scala:49) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$$anon$1.raise(errors.scala:44) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.package$.$anonfun$handleIo$1(package.scala:19) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.package$.$anonfun$handleIoF$1(package.scala:30) at cats.effect.Sync$EitherTSync.$anonfun$suspend$1(Sync.scala:145) at monix.eval.internal.TaskRunLoop$.startFull(TaskRunLoop.scala:98) 08:15:34 From Mao 毛毛 : I have before, 08:15:47 From Mao 毛毛 : but then I delete all the rnode related directory 08:15:51 From Mao 毛毛 : and then it's ok 08:15:57 From Mao 毛毛 : rm ~/.rnode 08:16:13 From Kelly Foster : Careful, Mao. 08:16:26 From Kelly Foster : You don’t want to delete the block and DAG store 08:16:49 From kent : ^ when you want to restart based on your old state 08:16:59 From Joshy Orndorff : where is the bootstrap address? 08:17:11 From nutzipper : export BOOTSTRAP="rnode://f4f20286feebc89d36d11b9e6ad726b6dd3d1490@" 08:17:12 From Mao 毛毛 : rm -rvf rnode.data.dir_IS_UNDEFINED 08:17:21 From Mao 毛毛 : after done this, I can run the node 08:17:36 From Mao 毛毛 : rm -rvf rnode.data.dir_IS_UNDEFINED 08:17:36 From Kelly Foster : That’s correct, Mao 08:17:37 From Mao 毛毛 : rm ~/.rnode 08:18:17 From Tomáš : DATA_DIR=/some/where docker run ... -v $DATA_DIR/tmp:/tmp -v $DATA_DIR:/var/lib/rnode ... 08:20:06 From Joshy Orndorff : My node crashes on startup. Here's a snippet of output. I can grab the whole thing 10:19:07.232 [main] INFO coop.rchain.comm.WhoAmI$ - guessed from source: AmazonAWS service 10:19:08.420 [main] WARN c.r.b.BlockDagFileStorage$ - CRC file /home/joshy/.rnode/dagstorage/latestMessagesCrcPath did not contain a valid CRC value 10:19:08.474 [main] WARN c.r.b.BlockDagFileStorage$ - CRC file /home/joshy/.rnode/dagstorage/blockMetadataCrcPath did not contain a valid CRC value 10:19:08.520 [main] WARN c.r.b.BlockDagFileStorage$ - CRC file /home/joshy/.rnode/dagstorage/equivocationsTrackerCrcPath did not contain a valid CRC value 10:19:13.789 [node-runner-17] INFO coop.rchain.node.NodeRuntime - Starting node that will bootstrap from rnode://f4f20286feebc89d36d11b9e6ad726b6dd3d1490@ 10:19:14.690 [node-runner-17] INFO coop.rchain.node.NodeRuntime - gRPC external server started at 10:19:14.712 [node-runner-17] INFO coop.rchain.node.NodeRunti 08:20:28 From Joshy Orndorff : ahh crap, it didn't paste the interesting part 08:22:27 From nutzipper : 695d45eb61... 08:25:05 From Mao 毛毛 : seems the BOOTSTRAP env does not work? 08:25:30 From Mao 毛毛 : last time, I remove the -b args, and use the export BOOTSTRAP=.... 08:25:41 From nutzipper : I believe you should -b arg 08:25:42 From Mao 毛毛 : and the node does not connect to new nodes? 08:25:59 From nutzipper : I just use this env arg in my scripts 08:25:59 From Mao 毛毛 : Yes, when I go back to use the -b args, then all is ok 08:26:33 From Mao 毛毛 : @nutzipper, oh, that's your own shell setting :-) 08:26:45 From Joshy Orndorff : https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/RCHAIN-1048 08:26:48 From nutzipper : yeah, sorry:) 08:26:49 From Joshy Orndorff : oops wrong link standby 08:27:44 From Joshy Orndorff : Issue I just opened https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/RCHAIN-3085 08:29:08 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/RCHAIN-3085 08:29:28 From HUAWEI P20 : hi 08:29:34 From HUAWEI P20 : everyone 08:29:44 From nutzipper : Hi 08:29:58 From HUAWEI P20 : how's everything going 08:30:13 From Kelly Foster : https://build.rchain-dev.tk/branches/dev/?C=M&O=A 08:30:22 From nutzipper : pretty nice :) 08:31:00 From Mao 毛毛 : yes 08:31:06 From Mao 毛毛 : I killed and restarted 08:31:11 From Joshy Orndorff : Also posted my mount output. 08:36:20 From Kelly Foster : Kelly’s IP 08:36:41 From Joshy Orndorff : Tried again with rnode_0.8.4.gitfd518a08_all.deb from https://build.rchain-dev.tk/branches/dev/?C=M&O=A and got this error message https://build.rchain-dev.tk/branches/dev/?C=M&O=A 10:35:56.266 [node-runner-18] ERROR c.r.shared.UncaughtExceptionLogger$ - Uncaught Exception : Atomic move is not supported: /tmp/rchain-block-dag-store-latest-messages-4627933585541796519-squashed-data -> /home/joshy/.rnode/dagstorage/latestMessagesLogPath: Invalid cross-device link coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$ExceptionWrapper: Atomic move is not supported: /tmp/rchain-block-dag-store-latest-messages-4627933585541796519-squashed-data -> /home/joshy/.rnode/dagstorage/latestMessagesLogPath: Invalid cross-device link at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$$anon$1.raise(errors.scala:49) at coop.rchain.blockstorage.util.io.IOError$$anon$1.raise(errors.scala:44) 08:39:12 From nutzipper : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid host or port:
 40402 08:39:42 From nutzipper : ./rnode --grpc-host
 deploy --phlo-limit 10000000000 --phlo-price 1 forward_$PUBLICKEY.rho 08:44:29 From Joshy Orndorff : Now that I'm on the network (7 peers) I tried to rnode show-blocks but got this from the running node 10:44:04.095 [node-runner-17] WARN coop.rchain.casper.api.BlockAPI$ - Could not show blocks, casper instance was not available yet. 08:44:41 From Kelly Foster : —default-timeout 6000000 08:46:11 From nutzipper : Awesome to see progress on stability 08:48:23 From Joshy Orndorff : Does rnode still output rnode.log by default? If so where? 08:48:42 From Kelly Foster : .rnode 08:48:48 From Kelly Foster : no 08:48:54 From Will Qiu : rnode.data.dir_IS_UNDEFINED 08:49:24 From Will Qiu : The log is in the dir above 08:55:37 From Tomislav Grospić : I started mynode inside docker but with this entrypoint rm -R /tmp ln -s /tmp /temp /opt/docker/bin/rnode $* 09:00:27 From nutzipper : im ok 09:00:35 From Tomislav Grospić : ok for me 09:00:37 From Will Qiu : im ok 09:00:39 From Mao 毛毛 : 15:00 is ok, 09:00:50 From Mao 毛毛 : if earlier, that's better 09:01:18 From Mao 毛毛 : it's 0:00 considering the time zone difference 09:01:58 From Joshy Orndorff : Jim, it might work well to have rholang session right after this call. Then we could invite everyone on this call to come learn rholang. 09:02:14 From Mao 毛毛 : I'd like to join 09:02:21 From Gary Coulter : thanks everyone.