07:48:03 From Kelly Foster : Welcome! 07:48:16 From Kelly Foster : Do you have a node running? 07:53:49 From Pavitra : Hello, Good Morning to all. Good Evening from India - Pavitra (Re-SURE) 07:56:41 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/516030803/20180828+RNode+community+testing 07:57:28 From Kelly Foster : RChain Node 0.6.2 (687dabb1cca2a16eceb1e8d99eee29aeb57afa8f) 07:58:59 From xuqzab : I had one hang for ever and another about 10 minutes on show-blocks 07:59:24 From Karen Moskowitz : It took me 3 min to show-blocks 07:59:30 From petecheyne : Yes, get the same here with 0.6.2 08:00:11 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/CORE-1074 08:02:11 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/516030803/20180828+RNode+community+testing 08:02:20 From Thomas Ingham : Is there a direct link for the 0.6.2 deb? 08:02:22 From Kelly Foster : RChain Node 0.6.2 (687dabb1cca2a16eceb1e8d99eee29aeb57afa8f) 08:02:46 From Joshy Orndorff : @Thomas direct link to deb https://repo.pyr8.io/rchain/downloads/dev/rnode_0.6.2_all.deb 08:02:59 From Phil : cant compile this version from source 08:03:56 From Jason Deng : ok 08:03:57 From sethbailey : java.lang.Exception: Genesis tuplespace validation failed! 08:05:27 From Karen Moskowitz : Can someone remind me of the command for peer count? 08:05:57 From Medha Parlikar : go to a separate terminal and curl localhost:40403 08:06:08 From Kelly Foster : curl -s localhost:40403 | grep -A 1 "peers" 08:06:13 From Medha Parlikar : or http://l127.0.0.1:40403 08:06:32 From Pavitra (Re-sure) : I could run show-blocks. it says timestamp: 1534735523810 faultTolerance: -1.0 mainParentHash: "" sender: "" shardId: "rchain" ----------------------------------------------------- Blockchain length: 1 08:07:54 From xuqzab : My Mumbai node only has 8 true peers and its been up 2 hours 08:08:29 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/516030803/20180828+RNode+community+testing 08:08:45 From Kelly Foster : RChain Node 0.6.2 (687dabb1cca2a16eceb1e8d99eee29aeb57afa8f) 08:08:53 From J Leon Yeoh : do we have any problem with docker today? or we can use the docker:dev? 08:09:12 From Thomas Ingham : The “Dev” bootstrap is the one we want on our launch command? 08:09:21 From J Leon Yeoh : thank you 08:09:34 From Thomas Ingham : rnode://c61769b39d368cbcbc9499634e030386c79d5b02@ 08:09:48 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/501842019/RNode+bootstrap+addresses 08:09:54 From xuqzab : My node in Finland has 31 true peers and has also been up 2 hours 08:10:25 From J Leon Yeoh : i added my IP in the spreadsheet 08:10:30 From Piotr from Proof : is it expected that rnode is much less responsive comparing to previous weeks ? I'm quite surprised since today I have more powerful machine as well 08:10:49 From Paolo from Proof : Confirm to be slower to me as well 08:10:55 From Ben Sigman : Who is asking for IP addresses? 08:11:35 From J Leon Yeoh : DM Medha in discord 08:11:39 From Ben Sigman : Ah Medha thanks 08:11:40 From Kelly Foster : @medha 08:11:45 From Lee Carter : Kelly what was the hash for the correct version of the node 08:12:02 From J Leon Yeoh : RChain Node 0.6.2 (687dabb1cca2a16eceb1e8d99eee29aeb57afa8f) 08:12:06 From J Leon Yeoh : it is on the worksheet 08:13:13 From Lee Carter : Where do I download it from? All the versions on developer.rchain.coop are 0.6.1? 08:14:57 From Dubravko Golub : I keep getting "Casper instance not available" when trying to propose a block. Is it a known issue, or should I file a new one? 08:15:17 From Thomas Ingham : @lee https://repo.pyr8.io/rchain/downloads/dev/ 08:15:26 From Lee Carter : Thanks Thomas 08:15:29 From Thomas Ingham : np 08:15:43 From Paolo from Proof : propose is stuck for me 08:15:47 From Paolo from Proof : no output, froze 08:15:51 From Steven Bezzio : I'm getting a scala error but then I've also got peers. 08:16:11 From Steven Bezzio : java.lang.Exception: Genesis tuplespace validation failed! 08:16:18 From Kelly Foster : @dubravko did you clear your .rnode directory before starting today? 08:16:25 From xuqzab : Are we doing Joshy's 10th caller contract today? 08:16:27 From Dubravko Golub : yes 08:17:05 From Dubravko Golub : @Kelly, yes, I have cleared the rnode directory 08:17:18 From Enzo Zheng : I think it does not open UPNP for 40403 08:17:26 From Ben Sigman : I have a docker command working if anyone needs 08:17:54 From Kelly Foster : @dubravko, looking for resolution… 08:19:17 From Ben Sigman : sudo docker run -u root --network -it -p 40400:40400 -p 40403:40403 rchain/rnode:dev run -b rnode://c61769b39d368cbcbc9499634e030386c79d5b02@ --validator-private-key "" -p 40400 08:19:32 From Kelly Foster : @dubravko, did you start, stop, and restart node before you got the error? 08:20:34 From Dubravko Golub : @Kelly, yes, I restarted the node and cleared the rnode directory a couple of time 08:20:57 From geoff : Mervyn can you mute 08:21:05 From Paolo from Proof : deploy/propose hangs 08:21:07 From geoff : ty 08:21:08 From Joshy Orndorff : https://gist.github.com/JoshOrndorff/8067a29bca02d08285b5d113f553d17e 08:21:23 From Paolo from Proof : first time deploy worked nice 08:21:23 From Vadim : rnode propose hangs for me 08:21:29 From Paolo from Proof : then propose hanged forever 08:21:30 From Vadim : waiting long time 08:21:35 From Paolo from Proof : and never ended 08:21:43 From Paolo from Proof : when I stopped propose 08:21:49 From Paolo from Proof : then deploy froze 08:22:05 From petecheyne : I finally got a response from propose after around 10 mins: 08:22:07 From petecheyne : rnode propose Response: Failure! Invalid block: Some(IgnorableEquivocation) 08:22:14 From Chibuike David Asamonye : whats the fix for casper instance not available, I believe its a known error, my rnode directory is cleared 08:22:25 From Karen Moskowitz : propose hanging for me as well, 3 min now 08:22:30 From Ben Sigman : # TYPE peers gauge peers 18.0 08:22:38 From geoff : what's a way to test if my rnode metrics can be seen via the appropriate port? 08:23:00 From petecheyne : Access it via your external ip with the port 08:23:19 From Michael Yeates : rnode deploy-demo 08:23:27 From Pavitra (Re-sure) : [ec2-user@ip-172-31-34-208 bin]$ ./rnode deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 ../../contracts/ticTacToe.rho 14:22:52.529 [main] INFO c.r.n.configuration.Configuration$ - Starting with profile default Response: Success! [ec2-user@ip-172-31-34-208 bin]$ ./rnode propose 14:23:03.899 [main] INFO c.r.n.configuration.Configuration$ - Starting with profile default Response: Success! Block 781e3ab65c... created and added. 08:23:28 From Michael Yeates : rnode propose Response: No block was created. Either no new deploys have been received or the node may be in read-only mode. 08:23:32 From Pavitra (Re-sure) : For me it was fast enough 08:23:46 From xuqzab : A deploy I ran early this morning almost instantly is going on 2 minutes waiting now 08:23:51 From Per Bergman @Xpansiv : ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-186:~$ date Tue Aug 28 14:21:28 UTC 2018 ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-186:~$ rnode deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 ./exchange.rho Response: Success! ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-186:~$ date Tue Aug 28 14:21:38 UTC 2018 ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-186:~$ rnode propose Response: Success! Block edc92ccc0c... created and added. ubuntu@ip-10-192-10-186:~$ date Tue Aug 28 14:23:09 UTC 2018 08:23:59 From Alex K : I have the same that have Michael 08:24:35 From Karen Moskowitz : Got this as well: xKaren-Moskowitzs-MacBook-Pro-2:~ karenmoskowitz$ rnode propose Response: No block was created. Either no new deploys have been received or the node may be in read-only mode 08:24:37 From Ben Sigman : ./rnode deploy-demo Sending the following to Casper: @84!(84) Response: Success! Sending the following to Casper: @86!(86) Response: Success! Sending the following to Casper: @93!(93) Response: Success! 08:24:44 From geoff : I'm able to deploy, if that helps anything 08:25:07 From Alex K : able to deploy too 08:25:07 From Ben Sigman : ./rnode propose Response: No block was created. Either no new deploys have been received or the node may be in read-only mode. 08:25:23 From geoff : I'm able to propose as well 08:25:29 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/496697351/Filing+a+bug 08:25:41 From Ben Sigman : What command is working for propose? 08:25:51 From geoff : ``` 08:25:53 From geoff : 14:25:00.429 [repl-io-75] INFO c.rchain.casper.util.comm.CommUtil$ - CASPER: Sent 08e37327a5... to peers 08:26:23 From Ben Sigman : I’m on docker btw 08:27:02 From Dror Dayan : I managed to deploy with the flags and propose (was slow) worked 08:27:05 From sethbailey : It works the same for me with and without 08:27:29 From Steven Bezzio : [rchain] Error: Excess arguments provided: 'hello.rho' 08:27:30 From Lee Carter : Same as Seth, I get a success usingeither way 08:27:51 From Alex K : have the same 08:28:26 From Michael Yeates : Same error with the default parameters 08:29:18 From Phil : also maybe not connected to bootstrapping node? 08:29:45 From geoff : Not sure if bug: I successfully deployed and proposed a contract (in block 08e37327a5) and I'm seeing "CASPER: New fork-choice tip is block 08e37327a5" over and over again. Is it normal that the "new" fork-choice tip would consistently be the block that I proposed? 08:30:04 From Paolo from Proof : Same hanging with defaults on deploy. 08:30:10 From J Leon Yeoh : :~/rnode-0.6.2$ ./bin/rnode deploy —from "0x1" —phlo-limit 0 —phlo-price 0 —nonce 0 ./examples/tut-hello.rho Error with given file: Input length = 1 :~/rnode-0.6.2$ ./bin/rnode deploy ./examples/tut-hello.rho Error with given file: Input length = 1 08:30:22 From J Leon Yeoh : same error with or without flags 08:30:27 From J Leon Yeoh : when try to deploy 08:30:28 From Kelly Foster : @geoff that’s normal. You’re seeing the verbosity of the console logs 08:30:35 From geoff : +1 08:31:08 From Ben Sigman : Did someone say that flags worked for propose? 08:31:19 From Paolo from Proof : yuiolpèò+àpoi rsaecswqEWR567890’Pè+àù-:,M NBVBCXZA(String.java:463) appeared 08:38:55 From xuqzab : My other node that I'm not trying to deploy on is also maxed on on cpu, same setup ubuntu 18.04 3.75 gb 1 cpu google compute engine. Spiked to 100% cpu right at 10:00 NYC time 08:39:02 From Paolo from Proof : (my node has 4GB of RAM) 08:39:09 From Ben Sigman : rnode propose and rnode show-blocks both just hang for me on docker 08:40:31 From Pawel Szulc : ./bin/rnode diagnostics 08:40:51 From Ben - DNA : Threads: - Threads: 4062 - Daemon threads: 4059 - Peak threads: 4093 - Total started threads: 4231 08:41:04 From geoff : If anyone is interested, I deployed the "tenth caller" contract in block 3cc0f59007 08:41:08 From geoff : (and proposed) 08:41:52 From Karen Moskowitz : Threads: - Threads: 4043 - Daemon threads: 4040 - Peak threads: 4078 - Total started threads: 4256 08:41:58 From Ben - DNA : Geoff - is propose working for you? 08:42:01 From Alex K : Threads: - Threads: 4035 - Daemon threads: 4032 - Peak threads: 4179 - Total started threads: 4674 08:42:10 From geoff : :D 08:42:14 From Ben - DNA : What flags is he using? 08:42:16 From Kelly Foster : Threads: - Threads: 4056 - Daemon threads: 4053 - Peak threads: 4139 - Total started threads: 4687 08:42:21 From geoff : FYI, I'm on 0.6.1 08:42:31 From Navneet Suman : Anybody has seen this error before: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Data in RSpace is corrupted. 0: cannot acquire 256 bits from a vector that contains 7 bits at coop.rchain.rspace.internal$RichAttempt.get(internal.scala:134) at coop.rchain.rspace.LMDBOps$RichDbi.$anonfun$get$1(LMDBOps.scala:99) at scala.Option.map(Option.scala:146) at coop.rchain.rspace.LMDBOps$RichDbi.get(LMDBOps.scala:98) at coop.rchain.rspace.LMDBStore.fetchGNAT(LMDBStore.scala:53) at coop.rchain.rspace.LMDBStore.getData(LMDBStore.scala:100) at coop.rchain.rspace.LMDBStore.getData(LMDBStore.scala:27) at coop.rchain.rspace.RSpaceOps.$anonfun$install$1(RSpaceOps.scala:65) at scala.collection.TraversableLike.$anonfun$map$1(TraversableLike.scala:234) at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389) at scala 08:42:33 From Jason Deng : docker ip start success deploy succees propose success show-blocks No return 08:42:33 From Eric : Cheater. 08:42:37 From geoff : XD 08:42:37 From Paolo from Proof : XD 08:42:48 From geoff : But not yet! 08:42:52 From Jake - Drone Energy : https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/CORE-1080 <- I do not know what caused it 08:43:01 From Ben - DNA : Jason - what version are you running? 08:43:14 From Jason Deng : 0.6.2 08:43:24 From Lee Carter : Threads: - Threads: 531 - Daemon threads: 528 - Peak threads: 537 - Total started threads: 541 08:43:27 From Ben - DNA : How did you get propose to work? 08:43:41 From J Leon Yeoh : Threads: - Threads: 4027 - Daemon threads: 4024 - Peak threads: 4035 - Total started threads: 4101 08:43:57 From Ben - DNA : Jason - how did you get propose to work on docker 0.6.2 ? 08:44:09 From Jason Deng : rnode --grpc-host --grpc-port 40401 deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 ./20180807/tut-philosophers.rho 08:44:27 From Lee Carter : I got a success on 0.6.2 using all the default parameters, I’m not using docker though 08:44:49 From xuqzab : On deploy 08:44:50 From Karen Moskowitz : hang on propose for me 08:45:19 From Jason Deng : local ubuntu 16 install rnode 0.6.2 08:45:34 From Ben - DNA : @Jason - Do you expose port 40401? 08:45:40 From xuqzab : Anyone else seeing 100% cpu usage? 08:45:43 From Jason Deng : yes 08:45:52 From Paolo from Proof : yes 08:45:55 From Paolo from Proof : both 08:45:56 From Paolo from Proof : bin/rnode deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 examples/tut-hello.rho 08:46:03 From Paolo from Proof : and bin/rnode deploy examples/tut-hello.rho 08:46:05 From Paolo from Proof : freeze 08:46:47 From Steven Bezzio : Great message, I won't tell anyone about it 08:46:51 From Ben - DNA : ./bin/rnode deploy —from "0x1" —phlo-limit 0 —phlo-price 0 —nonce 0 ./examples/tut-hello.rho 08:46:52 From Paolo from Proof : tryied and same 08:46:55 From Jason Deng : show-blocks fail 08:46:55 From Medha Parlikar :,,,, 08:47:14 From Paolo from Proof : is me 08:47:16 From xuqzab : deploy hang: rchain-dev-8-28-finland:/usr/bin$ ./rnode deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 / tmp/phil.rho 08:48:36 From geoff : oh! where is the dupe contract located? 08:49:50 From Ben - DNA : ./bin/rnode --grpc-host localhost --grpc-port 40401 deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 ./examples/tut-philosophers.rho 08:50:23 From Lee Carter : @Medha if our IP address is not on that list but everything seems to be working should I be doing something different? 08:51:12 From Medha Parlikar : Eventually you should see blocks 08:52:07 From geoff : does dupe stress test the network as a whole? 08:52:37 From Medha Parlikar :,,,, 08:52:50 From Mateusz Probachta from Proof : I see it! 08:53:29 From xuqzab : I'm one of your nodes I saw it earlier but not just now 08:53:37 From Mateusz Probachta from Proof : false alarm:/ its not this one:/ 08:53:53 From Paolo from Proof : I’ve got node_1 | 14:47:31.416 [grpc-default-executor-454] INFO c.r.c.util.comm.CasperPacketHandler$ - Received block a8b78d2813... again. node_1 | at coop.rchain.blockstorage.LMDBBlockStore.$anonfun$withTxn$2(LMDBBlockStore.scala:42) node_1 | at coop.rchain.blockstorage.LMDBBlockStore$$Lambda$597/579168430.apply(Unknown Source) node_1 | at cats.effect.Sync.$anonfun$delay$1(Sync.scala:46) node_1 | at cats.effect.Sync$$Lambda$510/342437188.apply(Unknown Source) node_1 | at coop.rchain.catscontrib.SyncInstances$$anon$1.$anonfun$suspend$1(SyncInstances.scala:15) node_1 | at coop.rchain.catscontrib.SyncInstances$$anon$1$$Lambda$590/310053737.apply(Unknown Source) 08:53:57 From Paolo from Proof : and then out of memory 08:54:06 From Paolo from Proof : node_1 | Exception in thread "grpc-default-executor-436" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 08:54:16 From Paolo from Proof : me 08:54:27 From Paolo from Proof : which one? 08:54:49 From Paolo from Proof : sorry, my port 40401 is not open? I didn’t get what you said 08:55:07 From Joshy Orndorff : This bug is marked as done, but I just experienced it again. Anyone else? https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/CORE-970 08:56:16 From Kelly Foster : https://rchain.atlassian.net/browse/CORE-1012 08:59:30 From Paolo from Proof : root@rnode02:/opt/docker# bin/rnode deploy examples/tut-hello.rho Response: Success! root@rnode02:/opt/docker# bin/rnode propose Response: Success! Block b97a8aa70f... created and added. 08:59:38 From Paolo from Proof : worked after restarting 08:59:53 From Jeremy Busk : sudo docker run -u root --network host -it rchain/rnode:dev run --validator-private-key -b rnode://c61769b39d368cbcbc9499634e030386c79d5b02@ 09:00:24 From Joshy Orndorff : FYI Here's where the read-only mode error comes from https://github.com/rchain/rchain/blob/18d8d30a37caa713aef368d7a5129f15202778f7/casper/src/main/scala/coop/rchain/casper/api/BlockAPI.scala#L362 09:00:55 From Dror Dayan : Thanks everyone! 09:00:56 From Pavitra (Re-sure) : Thanks every one. Good bye. See you. 09:01:02 From J Leon Yeoh : Thank you 09:01:03 From Ben - DNA : Thanks 09:01:05 From Enzo Zheng : see you 09:01:06 From Mario Cao (witnet) : Thank you!!! 09:01:07 From Alex K : thanks, bye 09:01:09 From Mario Cao (witnet) : bye! 09:01:10 From Mateusz Probachta from Proof : see you 09:01:15 From HedgePoint : Thanks! 09:01:15 From anson : bye 09:01:18 From pan : see you 09:01:24 From Jason Deng : bye